Your Business Needs To Adapt To Appeal To Gen Z

A new generation of influencers has arrived. Members of Gen Z, people born from the late 1990’s to early 2010’s are what McKinsey describes as “true digital natives”. From their earliest years they have been exposed to the internet, social media, and mobile phones. “That context has produced a hypercognitive generation very comfortable with collectingContinue reading “Your Business Needs To Adapt To Appeal To Gen Z”

Be Sensible, Be An Early Adopter

Keeping abreast of the times is super important in this day and age. An era when everything is easily accessible, and the prevalent trends change as readily as the seasons.  For a business to stay relevant to its target demographic, research into youth trends is an integral part of any business plan.  But it’s notContinue reading “Be Sensible, Be An Early Adopter”

How to Access the Youth Market in 2022

The youth market is a critical demographic for brands, with an existing spending power of over $143 billion annually. As Gen Z grows into the workplace and wins more independence, this number will only increase. When it comes to marketing, however, Youth Trends suggest that traditional advertising simply doesn’t cut it.  Gen Z is generallyContinue reading “How to Access the Youth Market in 2022”

How Qualitative and Quantitative Data Forms Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are an excellent way for brands to personalise their content and target it more specifically toward their ideal customer. In addition, it helps them understand their user’s search intent to cater to their needs, making themselves a more viable solution.  Nowadays, establishing a few core buyer personas for any brand is critical. ButContinue reading “How Qualitative and Quantitative Data Forms Buyer Personas”

How Is the Youth Affected by Constantly Being Online?

For brands marketing to the young, it’s essential to understand their habits and their priorities in life. This can be difficult from the perspective of an over-30 professional who might be out of touch with the teenage generation. However, youth insights can help us better grasp the adolescent experience, which is significantly impacted by theContinue reading “How Is the Youth Affected by Constantly Being Online?”

The Importance of Early Adopters: What Is Early Adoption?

In January 2018, TikTok had over 50 Million users. Over just one year, the platform underwent what can only be called meteoric growth. By December 18, this figure skyrocketed to 271,188,301, which is a 394.9% growth. As a result, brands such as Chipotle saw an opportunity to invest in a campaign strategy devoted entirely toContinue reading “The Importance of Early Adopters: What Is Early Adoption?”

What Causes Are Gen Z Passionate About?

Suppose you’ve been conducting or listening to any youth market research about Gen Z. In that case, you know that this generation is immensely passionate and conscientious.  Their lives have always been overshadowed by the climate crisis. However, in recent years, social issues have come to the forefront more and more to demand them toContinue reading “What Causes Are Gen Z Passionate About?”

Consumer Trend Predictions for 2022

The year is nearly over, and depending on which part of the world you are in, it might have been another tumultuous one. 2021 saw many countries slowly gaining back control and returning to more normalcy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. It was plain to see how the crisis affected consumerContinue reading “Consumer Trend Predictions for 2022”

Spending Power By Generation: Here’s What You Need to Know

Money makes the world go round, and it’s the average joe that spins the axis.  Spending power is one of the most significant factors in determining the success of businesses and the economy. If your company wants to know who to target and how to build an empire from the ground up, take a lookContinue reading “Spending Power By Generation: Here’s What You Need to Know”

Top Examples of Gamification in Marketing 2021

Youth market research has frequently revealed just how difficult it can be to engage young audiences. To really stand out, marketers have to try new things, innovate on the status quo, and find fun and entertaining ideas that younger generations can latch onto. The best example of such innovative thinking is Gamification. Whilst the conceptContinue reading “Top Examples of Gamification in Marketing 2021”

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